Chapter Programs & Special Projects
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated's national programs are community outreach mentoring initiatives that have been adopted by the organization’s governing body and mandated for implementation by all of its chapters. These include: Go-To-High School, Go-To-College, Project Alpha, A Voteless People Is A Hopeless People, and Brother's Keeper. Over the years, ODL has served the community via these programs and other local initiatives.
Voteless People are a Hopeless People
ODL’s supports works with local schools, community centers, and legistlators, to educate our neighborhoods on the power of voting. With voter registration, voter education and voter empowerment, ODL has programs all year round around this core mission.
Arms of Alpha
Every year ODL is blessed to have the opportunity to serve our disadvantaged brothers and sisters in Philadelphia. On thanksgiving day, more than 270 individuals were served – all with the help of over 100 volunteers! All the guests who attended were able to eat as much as they wanted and take as many articles of clothing as they desired. In fact, we saw whole families leave with both their arms and stomachs full.
Alpha K.I.N.G.S
ODL hosts Alpha K.I.N.G.S(Keep Inspiring the Next Generation to Succeed) every first Wednesday of every month during the fraternal year. We currently have a partnership with the Workshop School where we mentor young men throughout the school year. Our sessions include presentation in topics directed to the development of young men in the areas of personal finance, leadership development, recreational activities and more.
Project Alpha/ Project AKA
ODL hosts several Project Alpha events annually including one for participants in Temple Univesity's Upward Bound Program, as well as a collaborative effort with Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc.. For over two decades, Omicron Delta Lambda Chapter have been using this program to educate our youth about the responsible behavior, abstinence and the dangers/problems associated with engaging in sexual activity at a young age. Workshops are facilitated by professionals in the health care field with support from the brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity.
ODL Adopts-A-Family
Seasons Greetings! Every year, the Omicron Delta Lambda Chapter selects a few families to “adopt” during our annual holiday service project known as Adopt-a-Family. We deliver gifts and items of need - anything from Xbox games to clothing and arts & crafts.