Chapter Dues
An Alpha Phi Alpha man’s attitude should not be “how much can I derive from the Fraternity” but “how much can I do for the Fraternity?” In proportion to what he does for his Chapter and for Alpha Phi Alpha will a member receive lasting benefits from the Fraternity to himself in the way of self-development by duty well done, and the respect of the Brothers well served.
A member’s duties should be:
1. Prompt payment of all financial obligations, the prime requisite for successful fraternal life.
2. The doing of good scholastic work in his chosen vocation, thereby accomplishing the real end of a college course.
3. The reasonable endeavor to participate in general college activities and social service and to excel therein.
4. The proper consideration of all things with appropriate attention to the high moral standard of Alpha Phi Alpha.
Membership dues for the year are due by November 15th of current fraternal year. Any dues received after November 15th are subject to a $10.00 late fee for national dues and a $10.00 late fee for local dues. Membership dues for Omicron Delta Lambda Chapter are $250 and $150.00 for National Dues. Alumni members can pay their national dues of $150.00 via ALPHAMX. National Dues can be submitted to the Local Chapter. However, Brothers are strongly encouraged to pay their national dues via ALPHAMX. Reduced rates are available for recently graduated first-year and second-year college brothers.
Omicron Delta Lambda Chapter members can pay their dues by cash, check, money order, or credit/debit card. Any national or chapter dues should be made payable to Omicron Delta Lambda Chapter
National dues must be paid in full. Partial payments will not be accepted. Members can pay the Alumni chapter dues and fraternal grand tax using the methods listed below. Omicron Delta Lambda chapter dues are $250.
Payment Options
- Option 1 - Full Payment through PayPal, using Friends and Family as the payment option.
- Option 2 - Monthly Payments (3 Payments) in PayPal - please click on link located on top left of the page.
- Option 3 - Send using CASH APP - $theodlalphas
- For all Payments please include your Name and AlphaNet ID on transaction.
Please Note: Grand Tax's are $150 for non-life Brothers who are 3 years or more out of undergraduate college. This tax should be paid via AlphaNet or by clicking on the link at the top of the page.- The chapter and fraternity ask for payments in the early fall of the fraternal year.